Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Still alive & Happy Fall!

I haven't posted anything in a while since I have been super busy. I've been packing, cleaning, moving and now I'm finally done and can get back to a normal routine again. Man, time flys! It's fall already people, which isn't a bad season however, winter will be here before we know it and let's hope it goes as fast as it comes. Winter always seems to drag and take forever to end. I think that by March or maybe February, I'll be craving a vaca somewhere tropical. I need some white sand and crystal blue water somewhere HOT!
I've started on the LDN again. It's been about a week and a half since I've been taking it and I'm feeling okay - Not bad, but not unusually good either. I'll be posting to give an update about how I'm feeling on the naltrexone. If anyone has Crohn's or a digestive disease and is treating the condition with Low Dose Naltrexone, feel free to share your experience.
I'm off ...............

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