Niiiiice find of information... props to PLOS for their open access (free) library of research! There are so many good points that make sense about the link between MAP & Crohn's disease. As you read this, you will understand what I mean - Check out what is said about fistulas, also the location where MAP organisms may be found in large numbers within our body. There are so many other significant postulations that are made that focus on the real cause of Crohn's that point in the direction to MAP.
Have Hope!!
Read this and be encouraged! Researchers and scientists are getting closer to identifying the cause of Crohn's. Some people, a lot of people in the medical field do want to find a cure for this horrible disease, despite the downers working through our government who tend to go against the grin. Try to be optimistic and your despair and helplessness will begin to change into enthusiasm.
So many people have given up on their body and they no longer care what happens to it. They are not involved with their treatment planning because they just don't care anymore, they don't make necessary (but difficult) adjustments to their lives that will lead to a better quality of life in the longterm because their hope is gone and they pretty much are just wasting away. You have to remember YOU have Crohn's, Crohn's doesn't have you.... unless you give it permission to rule your body.
My goal now, is to figure out how to get tested for this bacteria and where I have to go to have it done. I don't care where I have to go to have it done, who supports me & who thinks I'm wasting my time. It doesn't matter to me what people think anymore. This is a battle I fight daily and i'll do what it takes to get well.
Have Hope!!
Read this and be encouraged! Researchers and scientists are getting closer to identifying the cause of Crohn's. Some people, a lot of people in the medical field do want to find a cure for this horrible disease, despite the downers working through our government who tend to go against the grin. Try to be optimistic and your despair and helplessness will begin to change into enthusiasm.
So many people have given up on their body and they no longer care what happens to it. They are not involved with their treatment planning because they just don't care anymore, they don't make necessary (but difficult) adjustments to their lives that will lead to a better quality of life in the longterm because their hope is gone and they pretty much are just wasting away. You have to remember YOU have Crohn's, Crohn's doesn't have you.... unless you give it permission to rule your body.
My goal now, is to figure out how to get tested for this bacteria and where I have to go to have it done. I don't care where I have to go to have it done, who supports me & who thinks I'm wasting my time. It doesn't matter to me what people think anymore. This is a battle I fight daily and i'll do what it takes to get well.
1st, do you know what MAP is ? (It stands for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis - MAP) READ THE HIGHLIGHTS FOR GENERAL INFO THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW.
I'm so fueled, not just from this article, but the list of over 15 other articles on PLOS that I haven't read yet on with the focus on MAP.
- "MAP has been identified in the mucosal layer and deeper bowel wall in patients with Crohn's disease by methods other than light microscopy, and by direct visualization in small numbers by light microscopy"
- "MAP is present in pasteurized milk [27], infant formula made from pasteurized milk[28], breast milk from women with Crohn's disease [29], surface water [30]–[32], soil [30], cow manure “lagoons” that can leach into surface water [33], cow manure in both solid and liquid forms that is applied as fertilizer to agricultural land [33], and municipal tap water [25],[34], providing multiple routes of transmission to humans."
- "MAP is still not accepted as the cause of Crohn's disease. The identification of MAP by methods other than direct visualization by light microscopy, and the identification of MAP in small numbers by light microscopy, has not constituted convincing evidence of causation to the medical community at large."
- "...MAP organisms might therefore be present in large numbers in the following locations in patients with Crohn's disease: 1)The blood vessels, lymph vessels (lymphatics), and lymph nodes in the mesentery of affected bowel wall segments. 2) The mesentery itself, i.e., the adipocytes that fill the mesentery. 3)The walls of fistulas."
- "While other organisms have also been identified in the intestines of patients with Crohn's disease [23], no other putative pathogenic organism causes a chronic granulomatous inflammation of the intestines..."
- "humans with Crohn's disease have antibodies to MAP antigens in their blood. ELISA studies, which detect antibodies to MAP antigens in the blood, demonstrate that anywhere from 23% to almost 90% of Crohn's patients have such antibodies [11], [15]–[17]."
- "MAP has been identified in the mucosal layer and deeper bowel wall in patients with Crohn's disease by methods other than light microscopy, and by direct visualization in small numbers by light microscopy"
- "MAP is present in pasteurized milk [27], infant formula made from pasteurized milk[28], breast milk from women with Crohn's disease [29], surface water [30]–[32], soil [30], cow manure “lagoons” that can leach into surface water [33], cow manure in both solid and liquid forms that is applied as fertilizer to agricultural land [33], and municipal tap water [25],[34], providing multiple routes of transmission to humans."
- "MAP is still not accepted as the cause of Crohn's disease. The identification of MAP by methods other than direct visualization by light microscopy, and the identification of MAP in small numbers by light microscopy, has not constituted convincing evidence of causation to the medical community at large."
- "...MAP organisms might therefore be present in large numbers in the following locations in patients with Crohn's disease: 1)The blood vessels, lymph vessels (lymphatics), and lymph nodes in the mesentery of affected bowel wall segments. 2) The mesentery itself, i.e., the adipocytes that fill the mesentery. 3)The walls of fistulas."
- "While other organisms have also been identified in the intestines of patients with Crohn's disease [23], no other putative pathogenic organism causes a chronic granulomatous inflammation of the intestines..."
- "humans with Crohn's disease have antibodies to MAP antigens in their blood. ELISA studies, which detect antibodies to MAP antigens in the blood, demonstrate that anywhere from 23% to almost 90% of Crohn's patients have such antibodies [11], [15]–[17]."